So this is a three step process to achieve joy in each day of your life. Simplified but it works.
Once you have truly found what brings you joy each day, once you understand your joy is never to be at the expense of anyone else and you truly have daily fun without allowing anyone to bring you down or upset you, you are ready to become a beacon of joy for others.

If you have learned to have fun and enjoyment all day, nearly everyday, not allowing people or other outside influences bring you down you can truly be considered a shining star.

You are an example of everything good in a human. You are a happy person participating everyday in activities you enjoy. Your enjoyment is contagious and by sharing your good spirits with all you meet, people view you as a “shinning star”. Of course remember to ignore and avoid the sociapathiic members of society.

Anyone meeting you, “a Shinning Star”, will be pleased to know you. They may wonder what your secret to happiness is and you will gladly explain your journey.
You will teach and share happiness, goodness and support. You are a Star. You shine.
You take care of yourself, are now overflowing with personal joy, and you are happy to display it to other people wherever you go.

You are now a Shinning Star.

Will you continue to shine bright and enjoy every precious day?
If you are not having fun it is your fault. Start at the beginning again.

Otherwise shine brightly, Be The Star You Are.
Smile, be proud, be strong, and perhaps you to can light a path of happiness for others to join.

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